Good - now that I've got your attention...Sad that I got it that way eh? In youth on Friday we talked about sex because unfortunately in the world we live in today, every young person is confronted by sex, probably more so than any other thing, and they need to know how to deal with it.
I read a funny article on google about how the church in the past used to deal with the issue of sex, and in the 19th century they would advertise it as dirty and disgusting. This has obviously not worked as young people today are so confused about what is right and what is wrong and feel like they can't talk to anyone about it because of the shame.
It shouldn't be this way. Sex is described in the Bible as a beautiful gift from God for our wedding days. In fact in the world today, sex is a far cry from that very description. It has been so cheapened into a pleasure act, focusing completely on ourselves and what we can get from it. It is in our faces all the time, in every advertisement, movie, the internet, music, the worlds attention and sole goal seems to be sex, and I believe this is why the world is so messed up sexually.
There is a very strong positive correlation with the rise in rape/child abuse cases and our moral standards dropping in the last 50 years. What we see women wear, and the acts we can watch on television, would not have been even imaginable 50 years ago - now its normal. Even in music, every song is about being sexy. With all this temptation in place is there any wonder men and women can no longer slake their lust.
Perhaps this is why God gave us the rule no sex before marriage. Not because he is a kill joy, but because He knew that bad things would happen like rape/unwaned pregnancy/HIV etc. So what can we do about it? Obviously we should wait until we're married. If we feed our mind (especially boys) with sexual things from the media, we will be tempted to act upon it. If we are 'fooling around' with our partners, it gets harder to stop. The Bible says flee from temptation, it is the only way. Pray to God to give you the strength to be brave enough to get away from the temptation. If there is something that really tempts you, get rid off it. Have nothing else to do with it. The Bible also tells us to cut off the things that cause us to sin. Find a friend who you really trust, to keep you accountable in everything you do. Have a plan.
Ok, so how far is too far then? I hate this question. Christians (as with alcohol/other stuff) are always asking where are the lines? Someone draw me the lines, so I can get my toes right up to the edge, so that I don't miss out on any fun. NO! that is not the Gospel! John 10:10 says Christ came to give us life and life in it's fullest! Surely then we wouldn't be asking these questions because living for God would be the thing that fulfils.
Andy Hickford once joked - Sex is made for the marriage bed, and lets face it, it can be the marriage kitchen, marriage car, marriage couch, just as long as its within marriage! But its so true! i think God is a romantic. I love the idea of my virginity being the one thing I can give my wife than no one else can. What is too far ur still asking me? Check your heart, your motives. Everything you do physically to your partner should be a sign of affection and love toward them, and the moment it becomes about you and what pleasure you can get from it, then that is selfishness and the Bible describes that as sin.
So you can't really do much then until you are married if that is the case. I urge you, keep sex until marriage, ask God to help, because this will only deepen your relationship with your spouse more than you can ever imagine.