I found this a few years ago and being a maths student I found this hilarious. Of course I am not suggesting that girls are evil but the fact that the love of money is bares some relevance to what I want to say.
When people say
'the love of money is the root of all evil", they usually think of greedy rich businessman, or people who would commit terrible crimes for a buck. That is indeed part of it but I think the is more to what God was trying to tell us. We live in a western society today which says you have to get a good degree
for me, in order to get a good job
for me so you can get paid well and live comfortably (& live for the weekend)
for me, and save for a nice pension
for me. Notice all those first-person
'me' oriented pronouns. People say you need to do all these things in order to gain financial security but why is financial security considered such a top priority? I would go as far to say that a lot of peoples worlds would fall apart without it.
I think it is that sentiment that God is trying to get at. We are so concerned with money and financial security, that less of our trust is given to God. We don't fully rely on God because we think we also need money; and God is saying if the birds don't worry about your next meal then why should you!? For example why should we stress out about pension schemes and such. You may die before then and never see a penny of it! Even if you do make that age, you won't be able to make the most of it because your body won't be what it used to be!