Today is my 23rd birthday. I could say all the usual cliché's people say about birthdays....so I think I will :p
I can not believe I am 23 already, it does not seem that long since my last birthday. Time is going so fast at the moment that it brings into sharp relief our mortality. I am not scared of getting older and it annoys me when people harp on about wanting to be younger, or not wanting to grow up, or even when people try to hide their wrinkles!
There is nothing we can do about our age, so lets stop whinging about it and embrace it! I find it amusing that we spend our childhood desiring to be older, and we spend our adulthood desiring to be younger! I don't want to waste time like that, I want to use whatever precious time God has given me for Him.
Thanks to everyone who got me a gift, I really appreciate it. I once knew someone who asked for scarves and hats for their birthday so they could give them to the homeless, I think that's an amazing statement to make!
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