My soul praises the Lord - A joyful song taken from Mary's Song written in early Luke. It's all about being praiseful for the things God has done for us and the day of salvation to come
He has filled the hungry with good things
Sent the rich empty away
He has helped to servant Israel
and He still does it today
All I Am - A song that talks about our purpose is to give God glory but we try to hold on to our lives (he who gives up his life will gain eternal life)
Each perfect gift has come from you
Yet I cling tightly
I pray oh Lord, release my grip
So I give gladly
All I am, I offer to you..
Arms - This song is all about trade justice (something I am extremely passionate about), corrupt governments and arms dealings. The candid sheer truthful nature of this song really hit me the first time I heard it and still does
We'll give you the food we're the generous ones
But only if you buy our rockets and guns
A bullet tastes better than bread, or so they say
When the arms that you use
The arms that you use
Are the ones that are holding the children you lose
So take me away from these facts that I've heard
The back of my head is the place they deserve
Take them away so my conscience remains undisturbed
Fragile - This is one that has affected me more recently. It was written in the aftermath of the tsunami. This was a particularly gut wrenching time for Andy as he was a missionary on one of the islands that got washed up just 2 months before the wave hit. This song can empathise with anyone who has gone through such suffering.
The same waves that brought you crashing in in with joy
Are the same waves that leave your universe destroyed
And the same sand that once warmed this white man’s toes
Makes graves for your silent flesh and bone.
The same man that the winds and waves obeyed,
Is the same man who was the first one to know pain
same man could keep control of everything
same man knows more than me about suffering
So calm this overwhelming force
As earth and heaven seem divorced.
But why does life have to be this fragile?
Why is there a death so close to birth?
Why does life have to be this fragile?
Here on earth.
He has released two albums called 'Advertising the invisible' and 'Son' as well as being on a few Summer Madness live CD's. There is more as well and some good new stuff on his website http://www.andyflan.com (where you can also learn his mums cooking recipes!). You can also download most of his songs off itunes. It's amazing to think this 'wee' man came from portadown, but I am also surprised his songs aren't more well heard of!
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