The show makes it seem real and very possible to have such seemingly super human powers. It is also good and making the heroes seem very human. This series has opened really well, completely shattering what you initially think about some of the characters. I think deep down inside of everyone there is a desire to be the hero. To have something extra-ordinary about themselves, to be the person that everyone looks to, and someone who leaves a legacy, where times has no bounds.
The problem with all these characters, Hiro, Peter, Superman is that they are all fictional, but the good news is, we have actually had some super human heroes in our time. People like Paul the apostle, the twelve disciples. More recently Martin Luther King and Mother Theresa. But the most important of all, someone who does actually transcend through time. He's our Maker, He's our Lover, He is Jesus. He has defied death and Hell, He heals the sick, He has defeated principalities and powers. He is the one true real Hero for mankind. Why should we be star-studded by the likes of David Beckham, when we have met the maker of the universe! The amazing thing is He asks us to be heroes with Him and work together, and all we have to do is believe that He died to save us. Man that is such amazing grace.

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