I found these really old deeds in work (The Northern Bank) last week, way back in the late 18th century! How awesome is that? - they were so old that they were literally handwritten, and were beautifully scribed as well. The thing that blew my mind away is that a human being with a real life like you and me sat down one day over 225 years ago and wrote this out, knowing little how one day I, Chris Scorah would stumble across them. So I guess I had better be careful of what footsteps I leave behind for someone in the future to find.
For those who don't know what title deeds are, basically it is the legal document stating the exact owener of the property, which also includes the history of every owner the property has had. The crying shame is that people are trying to push through legislation that old documents like this one should be destroyed and only the latest kept. See if you can guess the exact date of these deeds from the pic below (leave a msg if you think you have it!)

5th April 1781?
yep, how cool is that!?
5th April 1781
Ooops too late.
It's well cool!
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