Tuesday 8 April 2008

No frequent flyer miles for me thanks!

I was flying home from London the other day and my flight experienced some bad turbulance. It had been snowing earlier (which is strange enough for London) but it wasn't until we were out of the clouds and into clear air that the turbulance occurred. I reckon it may have been something to do with a shift in air pressure.

Anyway, I am a nervous flyer as it is, so my heart skipped quite a few beats while I was up there. Melanie was making the man beside her terrified! It's not the worst turbulance I've experienced though; that was when i came home from Majorca and took off into a tropical storm - where the plane's backside swung like a pendulum and when the air hostesses began to panic, we knew we were in trouble!

That day on the plane (simlarly with my recent flight), people were faced with the inevitable fact of their mortality, and it is amazing to see how many people all of a sudden turn to faith in such a time as that. People offering up prayers of help and repentance on the top of their voices, whether they believed before or not. I imagine a lot of people if faced with imminent doom like that would wonder what comes next and would turn to God. It's sad however that it would take something like that to do it.

I'm not so sure if it's even natural that men should fly. I think I think I'll take a boat more often. At least if a boat is in trouble, you have a chance of survival, but if a plane goes down - you have absolutely no chance! I suppose millions of planes fly every year, and very rarely do you hear of a horror crash, but speaking as a Maths student, I still don't like the numbers!

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