I have decided to complete my limited thoughts on posts I made some time ago on worship. Click
here and
here to see. They were in part inspired by a lack of worship music with meaningful lyrics, something I am still struggling with. One album I have enjoyed though has been Tim Hughes - Holding nothing back.
But then since when is worship music got anything to do with my tastes. In fact it's probably this very attitude that holds many back from truly engaging with God in traditional church services. Perhaps we should worry less about ourselves and ask the question "What did God get out of this service".
Another contentious issue in churches is the role of women in leadership but just for the fun of throwing it in the pot; one of the earliest references in scripture of someone "leading worship" was a woman - Miriam, Moses & Aaron's sister. See Exodus 15:20.
Most of these thoughts on worship have unfortunately revolved around music (probably because it seems the most obvious, and music can powerfully move a man's soul), but there is so much more. Romans 12 talks about using our bodies in worship.
"In view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship"This about using our gifts for his glory, and not for our own purposes. This is picking up something for someone when they have dropped it, without ulterior motive. It's about living our lives in purity and with humility, this is how we worship every second of every day.
Why do we worship? Well Paul tells us just before that verse of God's greatness, then also states in view of His mercy, we should offer ourselves as living sacrifices. The word worship comes from the term worth-ship which broken down means "to be in the condition of worth". And that's exactly it, we worship for He is worthy!
The great thing is we are already worshippers. Man was made for worship. We all worship something whether it be God, another god, money, sex, possessions, golden cows, football teams. We have just lost our way a little. If only we could tap into some of that passion we can show at football matches for God's purposes.
On a more personal note, I have been going through a particularly hard time at the moment and it has been in this desert place I have felt God closest in my life. I think some of the purest worship we can give as humans, is to give God our all, even when we suffer, and I really hope I don't miss my opportunity to do that.
One other thing. I think worship is best done together.